A review by amym84
Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh


I liked this book a lot better than the previous book. I think the fact that we knew both Brenna and Judd from the first book made the story better. We knew a little of their story and this was just expanding upon it rather than introducing a new character.

Brenna is a wolf changeling that survived the attack on her by the Psy Enrique in the first book. Judd is part of the Lauren family that defected from PsyNet over a year ago. Brenna has been doing reasonably well considering what she went through but she wonders why exactly she was able to survive when no one else was. And what exactly Enrique did to her mind. How he altered her. When Brenna starts having violent dreams that appear to be coming true, she's convinced it was something evil.

She turns to Judd for help getting the answers and is immediately attracted to him. The problem is, he was completely immersed in Silence before his defection from PsyNet. He's very devoid of emotion. This clashes a lot with the Pack and how changelings have "skin privledges". So how can two seemingly opposite sides find common ground?

Like I said I think what was the best thing about this book was the fact that we already knew the characters, were already familiar with a little of their backstory. Something that I didn't like about the second book was the fact that I didn't warm to Faith right away. It took time and by the time I had warmed to her character, I was far along in the book. I hope the author uses this more.

The continuing conflict with the Psy and the Psy Council was a little confusion at times, but it was secondary to the conflict of Brenna's mind. Obviously we're building up to something that will continue over many books.

I do look forward to continuing the series and while I would like to skip over a few to get to the story I would like to read, I know that in the long run it's worth it to go through the whole story. Until Then!