A review by jackiethomas
Fallout by Sadie Jones


I really loved this book and find I don't know how to write a review for it. It's the second book I've read by Sadie Jones. I read her first book, The Outcast, at the end of last year and really enjoyed it, so I've been waiting for this one. It's the kind of book I like, it's a love story and its character driven, so I had high hopes. It lived up to them. The writing is beautiful and the characters have stayed with me, even as I read another book straight afterwards.

There are flaws, if you want to look for them. It's not perfect. But I really loved it, to the point I didn't want to finish it, because was afraid of what the ending was going to be. Sometimes its great to read just as a reader, not pick a book to pieces and criticise it, but be drawn into the world of the characters and care about them. Fallout did this for me. My favourite book of the year so far.