A review by jbarr5
The Union Quilters by Jennifer Chiaverini


The Union Quilters by Jennifer Chiaverini
1860's Elizabeth stays behind as her husband leaves to fight in the war. She must stay strong.
She hides that she's pregnant and gives Thomas, her husband one of her quilts to take with him because she won't be able to keep him warm.
Racial tensions, politics and war are the focus of this book and the quilting and the part it represents during the war.
When the men write to tell the women they've not even had potatoes nor fresh vegetables the local circle of quilting women go into action.
When they are requested to make 60 quilts they make plans to get a building that is large enough for everybody to sew them.
Dorothea comes up with a great idea to get the quilts done and a contest for the quilters...
Love how the sampler came about and what is in it, what a treasure!
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).