A review by yellowcloudintrousers
Let Them Eat Chaos by Kae Tempest


4.5 //
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love" (John, 4:18)

And life's just a thing that he does
He rolls over, cold pillow, warm body
At the end of his tether, as usual, he breathes softly
He burrows down deep, and he closes his eyes
And he thinks, "Is this really what it means to be alive?"

When we gonna see that life is happening?
And that every single body bleeding on its knees is an abomination
And every natural being is making communication
And we’re just sparks, tiny parts of a bigger constellation
We’re miniscule molecules that make up one body
You see the tragedy and pain of a person that you’ve never met
Is present in your nightmares, in your pull towards despair
And the sickness of the culture, and the sickness in our hearts
Is a sickness that’s inflicted by this distance that we share
Now, it was our bombs that started this war
And now it rages far away
So we dismiss all its victims as strangers