A review by lilyantan
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare


Do not be fooled by the 4 stars!

This book was:

- CRINGE. So much cringe. How many times must we be accosted with descriptions of Will's piercing blue eyes, striking hair, chiseled features, strong body. Jem's silvery fair hair, lean fragile body, delicate hands.

Excuse me while I vomit.

- Cheesy. Oh my Goodness, the similes this woman uses!
Will smiled brilliantly as if complimented, though Tessa, seeing the malice under his smile, thought of light sparking off the cutting edge of a razor.

I'm sorry, what? Light... Sparking.. off... the.. cutting.. edge.. of..a.. RAZOR??!?

She remembered the first night she had met him, the lovely violin music that poured like water through the doorway.

Music so lovely... it pours.. like water!

And Tessa's pining for everyone, just gets pathetic. Oh, Will's smile, is like the singing of the Angels. Oh, Jems hands are like velvet waves caressing the ocean shore.

- Trying too hard. Don't even get me started on the poetry crap. "Maybe if I make my pathetic 17 year old lead characters, quote poetry every 5 minutes, then my book can be classed as intelligent!"

And the list goes on. But you don't want to hear that.. you want to know why would I give this book 4 stars after bashing it.

Because, I enjoyed it. I listened to the audio book with the fascination of a person witnessing a train wreck.

Fascinating is it not? You can't look away, and there's a little part of you that derives a sick pleasure from watching a disaster unfold.

That part of me, really enjoyed this book. I found myself counting down the minutes until I leave the office, so I can listen to it on my way home.

I even sympathized, mildly, with the characters shallow plot lines.