A review by brandysun
Extinction Point by Paul Antony Jones


I actually really enjoyed this book - yet another freebie downloaded from Pixel of Ink. And yes...another end of the world/apocalyptic-type book...but different from the others I've read. Definitely no zombies this time...but there are certainly some alien lifeforms adding a little excitement to the story! I love the main character (pretty much the only character once nearly the entire human population is wiped out. She's not perfect, she's not some tough bitch ready to kick some serious ass... she's just a newspaper reporter that was somehow spared when the rest of the population of the world was pretty much wiped out in less than 24 hours. That said...I'm not sure most people wouldn't have immediately given up in a position such as hers. How lonely would that be to realize that you are pretty much the only person left...at least in NYC. She does eventually make contact with a small group of scientists...thousands of miles away that she decides to trek toward.

This book was the first in a series...the second was to have been realized this past summer. however, when I went to search it out (almost immediately after finishing the first), discovered that the release has been pushed back to sometime next year as the author had been picked up by a publishing company that is apparently an offshoot of Amazon. Good for him! But darnit...I was ready to begin the second book in the series as soon as I finished the first!