A review by lifeand100books
Making It Last by Ruthie Knox


Marriage is tough.  A successful one takes a lot of hard work. It has its up and downs.  It's filled with highs and lows.  But when effort is put forth for it, it is one of the most rewarding relationships you can have.  Author Ruthie Knox reminds of how incredible marriage can be in the conclusion of her Camelot series, Making it Last.

From Goodreads:
A hotel bar. A sexy stranger. A night of passion. There’s a part of Amber Mazzara that wants those things, wants to have a moment — just one — where life isn’t a complicated tangle of house and husband and kids and careers. Then, after a long, exhausting “vacation” with her family, her husband surprises her with a gift: a few days on the beach . . . alone.

Only she won’t be alone long, because a handsome man just bought her a drink. He’s cool, he’s confident, and he wants to take Amber to bed and keep her there for days. Lucky for them both, he’s her husband. He’s only got a few days in Jamaica to make her wildest desires come true, but if he can pull it off, there’s reason to believe that this fantasy can last a lifetime.

First and foremost I have to say a huge thank you to Ruthie Knox for writing this book.  For sharing with the world that there CAN be romance in marriage.  That romance doesn't die after your wedding day.

For anyone that's married, this story will immediately connect.  In my opinion I think every marriage at some point can become affected by the commonplace of everyday life.  Our jobs, stress over bills, making grocery lists, cooking dinner, doing laundry, taking care of the kids etc....these things all become our focus.  The importance of communication with your partner somehow gets pushed to the side and any romance that existed begins to extinguish itself.  Unless you take Knox's advice, and realize that romance CAN have a place in a marriage if you communicate your want AND need for it.

I have ALL THE FEELINGS for this book.  I was wrecked by the end of it.  Amber and Tony's journey back to each other is a journey wrought with difficulty, tough confessions, and a love that is truly fathomless.  The pure honesty of this story is what makes this story so beautiful.  If you do one thing today, let it be buying yourself a copy of this phenomenal book then crawling up with a blanket and a glass of wine while reading it.  It'll be the best thing you do all day.

Kimberly (Reflections of a Book Addict)
Originally Posted: http://wp.me/p18lIL-21G