A review by readermonica
The Darkest Touch by Gena Showalter


In THE DARKEST TOUCH we finally get to see if Torin is able to get his HEA. Torin's obstacles to having a fulfilling long term relationship are massive. Torin harboring the demon Disease makes him such a heart wrenching character. His inability to participate in even the most basic physical contact with others made me want him to have a soul mate all that much more. Poor Torin can't risk skin to skin contact with another without infecting them with a disease that would not only kill the person but could quickly spread to others as well. Not even his fellow immortals are completely immune to the power of his Demon therefore making even them unavailabe to Torin. That is until Torin crosses the path of the Red Queen, Keeleycael.

Keeley is a Curator and although affected by Torin she can withstand and survive contact with him. Keeley is one of the strongest female characters that I have come across and has endured centuries of captivity and has endured some remarkable physical tortures in order to gain her freedom. Torin valiantly tries to fight their mutual attraction and do what he feels is right, but as they spend more time together Torin finds it harder and harder to resist her. One of my favorite lines in the book is when Torin describes Keeley as "A living, breathing Sugar Plum Fairy, Dragon Edition" and that pretty much sums up Keeley.

THE DARKEST TOUCH was an enjoyable read with plenty of dry wit and sarcastic humor. But surprisingly I didn't enjoy THE DARKEST TOUCH for the reasons that I expected. I am a Showalter fan and wanted Torin's HEA just as much as the next reader, yet I found myself looking forward to the secondary threads more than the main story. There were also situations and knowledge that felt odd. Even with their explanations they didn't feel right. I'm not so sure that the way things were justified was as satisfying as I would have liked, but were acceptable for the most part. It's a nit picky complaint that didn't take away from my overall enjoyment of the story. Although I was happy that Torin and Keeley's story was worked through I found myself becoming much more interested in the secondary characters and the development of their stories that will come down the line. Cameo (Misery)/Lazarus, Baden, Pandora, Cronus, and Rhea, Galen /Legion, William/ Gilly, and Hades are all stories that I am very much looking forward to reading down the line. You get a lot in this book and at almost 500 pages you definitely get your money's worth!

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