A review by juliarziegler
Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape by Peggy Orenstein


To be clear, I did not finish this book. I tried, trust me. I got over halfway through (page 160 to be exact). I started this book in the first place because of the wonderful praise I’d heard of it. So I guess I was thoroughly disappointed when it absolutely sucked.

Here’s the deal: I should have been a little more suspicious when the author was a white middle-upper class mom. And let me clarify, my mom is too, I’m not saying they are all inherently lacking nuance or understanding of intersectional feminism….and yet.

At about 20 pages in, Orenstein started bashing Miley Cyrus…I think that’s when I started to be like hmmm okay? Her tone continued into condescension as she interviewed young woman (mainly white/mainly straight/majnly cis). She talked about sex in exactly the way she shouldn’t be talking about sex, ESPECIALLY TO YOUNG WOMEN. I felt awful for the women she interviewed; I could literally imagine the looks of disapproval she gave them.

Do not read this. Literally read any other book about girls and sex. Maybe not any other but just don’t choose this one.