A review by cr4nkyp4nts
Something in the Wine by Jae


I'm conflicted in my star rating for this one. I finished the book a minute or two ago so I'm caught up in the emotion of it but I'm still going between 3 and 4 stars.

I had a very hard time getting into the story, even though I liked the characters quite a bit. The writing, itself, was what made it difficult. I need to work through my impressions more but, I think, if it had been written by anyone other than Jae, I probably would have put it down after the first couple of chapters.

Am I glad I stuck with it? You bet. Around mid-way through, I cared about the characters and enjoyed the journey they were taking. I thought Annie's responses to her feelings and the way she processed her emotions felt honest and real. The same with Drew. There was humor and angst and I could feel the tension between the characters.

If you're a Jae fan, you'll want to read it. If you're not a Jae fan yet, start with Backwards to Oregon and work your way through her books.