A review by bookschharming
Requiem, Changing Times by R.J. Parker


Requiem, Changing Times by R. J. Parker is the first book in the series that revolves around two worlds, whose fate depends on Clint Holden. The story starts when someone plants a bomb at different locations. Then it switches to another world of magic. They were given a task to bring something precious within a week and a portal brought them to the present-day world.

Imagine that you're going to school with your best friend, and suddenly from nowhere a stranger attack you. You run to save your life, and try to figure out what has happened? Clint Holden and his friend Corbin had the worst day ever, but it is just starting. Things get weirder when Clint's parents left for a week.

People looking for Clint Holden for some odd reasons. The attack scared the hell out of him, but when a group of dwarves interrogates him, everything changed for him and his family. Clint's parents left Cody, Tamara, Kayla, and Grant under their elder sister Jamie's supervision. She is self-obsessed and doesn't care about anyone. When the attacks become frequent Banks, leader of dwarves aid them and tell the reason why they came to their world, and what they look for is called Requiem.

For siblings, it is hard to digest, but they all acquainted with Banks, O'Neil, Nix, and others. They trust them, but Banks told them only half-truth, which made the plot intriguing. With time Clint understands that there is so much he didn’t know and it cost him his kith and kin. But will Banks have got what he wants? What is the role of a teenager in all this?

The Spell Binder's role is cold and written well. The action sequences are detailed and hooked me from start to end. The narratives have some loose ends, which I think left for the next book. The end fights with trolls and everyone was magnificent.

The characters are funny, especially Corbin and O'Neil. I enjoyed their mumbo-jumbo. The change in Tamara is significant. Every high school has a queen bee, in this story, it was Amber, who wants Clint. While he’s love interest is Melanie, and their interaction with him makes the story relatable to young readers. Every character has their space and time to connect with readers.

R. J. Parker puts Clint and his family into a deadly adventurous journey. At some places, I felt it lacks thrill a little bit. But overall, this book is worth reading with all the supernatural beings in the picture. I am eagerly waiting for the next book, to know the answer to all my questions. I recommend this book to young adults and fantasy lovers.

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