A review by jbarr5
The Wishing Thread by Lisa Van Allen


The Wishing Thread by Lisa Van Allen
' knit people’s most ardent wishes into beautiful scarves and mittens, granting them health, success, or even a blossoming romance' This phrase in the description caught my eye as I do knit for many charities and some of the patterns I do use do tell a story about te one I'm knitting for.
The Stitchery was owned by the Van Rippers and now that Mariah had died others didn't know what was to become of the store and it's magic.
Aubrey had been raised by her aunt Mariah and she knew of some of the magic, the rest she'd have to learn.
Every night after dinner for one hour the 3 girls would knit with their mom: Meggie, Bitty and Aubrey. What a tradition and legacy!
One had to sacrifice something for the knitted wishes to come true-money wouldn't do it. had to be something sentimental to the one who wanted the wish to be granted.
Love the ideas of what type of yarn to use, what stitch and for what project. When the will is read they all learn of what's to become of The Stitchery and Mariah's wishes for them, all together...
The sisters should've moved on but that's not what happened.
The Tappan Watch was also up in arms about the town taking over the square and there's a lot of support for the owners of the shops to stay strong.
There are a handful of people with others coming and going and it's easy to keep track of who is who.
Especially like the quotes from The Great Book everything about knitting and then some...
The threads speak. Loved this book for the ideas and for the yarn itself. The magic story just spun it's own ball of yarn to be used.
I received this book from Net Galley via Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine in exchange for my honest review.