A review by little_worm
Bodies by Susie Orbach


After having been on something of a pop-sci non-fiction binge over the past few months, the more academic and dry tone of [b:Bodies|7619057|Warm Bodies (Warm Bodies, #1)|Isaac Marion|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1323400027s/7619057.jpg|10090210] was at first something of a shock to the system. It's something that can be handled in small measured doses, I'd read half a chapter or so on the sub-way to work, have time to mull it over while I spent the day punching in numbers, and read a little more on the trip home.

The was our bodies are presented in the media, and the changing relationship that we have with them, is something that everyone is aware of at some base level. We like to think that we're above it, that we all know these images are photoshopped and unrealistic or that we're all somehow above the power of advertising. It's as though we're lulled into a false sense of security and it's only when we begin to scratch the surface and to look a little deeper that we see how pervasive and harmful these messages about our bodies are.

[b:Bodies|7619057|Warm Bodies (Warm Bodies, #1)|Isaac Marion|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1323400027s/7619057.jpg|10090210] is like a knock on the head to remind you of that, and to open your eyes to the problem a little bit more.