A review by jenni_elyse
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling


There are spoilers in this review. Read at your own risk.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite story in the Harry Potter series. I love the dynamic of everything found in its pages–the characters, the adventure, the “mystery,” etc.

In Prisoner of Azkaban, the third year students finally get a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who knows his stuff. You get to see the students learn how to battle boggarts, grindylows, hinkypunks, and more. It’s fun to see how the students handle each of these obstacles. Professor Lupin is one of my favorite characters. I loved getting to know him and learning all about him and his life at Hogwarts as a student and as a teacher.

Speaking of teachers, Snape made me so angry in Prisoner of Azkaban. I wanted to reach through the pages and strangle him on more than one occasion. I remember hating him after finishing this book for the first time. You think he hates Harry in the first two books, but there’s nothing like his hatred for him in this book. I completely understand why Harry, Ron, and Hermione don’t trust him. I wouldn’t have either.

It was also fun to see the growing pains Harry, Ron, and Hermione go through. At first, it seems as though their friendship is perfect, none of them can do wrong in each other’s eyes. But, in Prisoner of Azkaban, the reader sees that their friendship is just as susceptible to anger, hurt, indifference, and jealousy as any other friendship. But, their friendship is so strong, it can stand these hiccups and actually become stronger because of them. Their friendship, as I said in my review of Sorcerer’s Stone, is one to be jealous of.

I loved exploring Hogsmeade, the only all-Wizard town in England. It was fun to delve deeper into the wizarding world and explore all the different shops. It actually made me kind of jealous of the characters as I’d love to experience everything they did, especially the sweets and food. I'm glad I've had a small chance to understand how awesome Hogsmeade is thanks to Universal Studios in Hollywood (hot butterbeer is the nectar of the gods!).

My favorite thing about Prisoner of Azkaban is the concept of the Marauders and the Marauders’ Map. I love the back story of Loony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. This is the main reason I don’t like the movie version of Prisoner of Azkaban very much because I think it doesn’t give enough time to explain the importance of the Marauders and the map.

Illustrated Edition Review: I really loved the illustrated edition. It was beautiful and really interesting to see the world of Harry Potter through Jim Kay's eyes. I especially love seeing Pigwidgeon at the end since we don't see him in the movies. He's so cute!