A review by jayme
Outsiders by Alice Slater


The diversity of stories these authors managed to write within the single theme of outsiders was impressive. My favourites included:

- Sarvat Hasin's The Lady's Not for Burning, which was a great, spooky take on the haunted house.

- Anna Wood's Francine isn't a style of story that would normally stick with me, but I really liked what it was trying to say about how we fit into society and was definitely a perfect story for an outsiders collection.

- Lena Mohamed's Skin was by far my favourite piece. Exactly my brand of abstract, sci-fi weird.

- Heather Perry's The Curse is either genius or insane, maybe both. I don't even know how to describe it.

Another solid short story anthology. This year is either the year of the short story or the poetry collection...I'm undecided.