A review by nerdywerewolf
Lifestyles of Gods and Monsters by Emily Roberson

<i>"I rate the competitors. It may seem callous to think about them this way, but they signed up for this. They have families and fans, millions of people to worry about them. The Minotaur has only me."</i>

This took all of the best parts of the Minotaur/Ariadne/Labyrinth myths and plopped them right in modern times <i>(reality TV, cell phones, etc.)</i>, while still being set in Greece with Gods and kings and heroes and magic.  The juxtaposition of modern sensibilities and fame alongside the responsibilities of running a mythical Kingdom was unique.

There is something very special about getting to know a character and then watching them evolve into something you may not have seen before.  I had fun reading this.  It was delightful and hopeful and full of heart, which is not something that happens often in Greek mythology!

The very best retellings are wish-fulfillment.  Fight me.  That's what this was.  It took a brave heroine, gave her several things to fight for and the ending was rewarding, especially if you're familiar with Ariadne's story.  This is my 3rd Ariadne book this year, so I was invested!!