A review by myeshatiara
All the Trouble You Need by Jervey Tervalon


Favorite Quote: "Do what you please 'cause people will do their best to try to shoot you down."~ Jordan

The book opens with the main character, Jordan, being treated pretty much like a mandingo, so that was a bit surprising. His relationship with the white girl, Mary, is very strange and reminds me of what I hear from some black guys when they sleep with white women. It's very cringy to read to be honest.

Jordan's roommates are quite entertaining and knowing how guys in a  bachelor pad think is somewhat eye opening.

Right away I can see that Jordan has a complex with how he identifies himself as a black man and feels he or others may want to put him in a stereotypical box. Jordan doesn't fully know who he is nor is he confident in what he brings to the table and until he figures that out, he will always feel inadequate.

David is the definition of a fraud and very unlikable but that's what gives us some of the conflict in the book so I accept it.

Trisha is completely different than what he is use to. Someone who demands more of a commitment and is going places in life or so she thinks.

I appericate the story telling from the prescriptive of the women that Jordan is dating as well.

One thing that does rub me the wrong way with Jordan is that he dates his students when he is a professor. Those power dynamics are very hard to miss. Another thing is that Jordan plays the black person that refuses to fully understand when a situation is racist. He thinks living in Santa Barbara is a paradise but doesn't realize how few black people live there and how they are truly treated until he, Ned and the Harlem Globetrotters are arrested and even then he is so confused by this make believe world he lives in where white people have your best interests at hurt.

The whole dynamic with Frank and Jordan counties to make me see Jordan as a very weak man who can't defend himself very well at all.

I don't enjoy what becomes of Trisha's character when it comes to Jordan. She is like the black woman voice of reason and I don't like that due to Jordan never truly taking her seriously, so why help a man who would run up behind another woman?

Jordan honestly is a weak man and a waste of time. He only wants the black woman once he so down and out he literally has absolutely nothing to offer her. Trisha's family has to help him. Smh very disappointed in the way this story turned out.

Overall a quick read but the message isn't one I would like to read again.