A review by ccgwalt
Amaryllis by Jayne Castle


SFR Reading Challenge 2012
TBR Reading Challenge 2012: Personal- on my tbr list since June 2010.

Grade B

This is a fairly typical Jayne Castle/Krentz book: not too deep, but entertaining. Her heroes are rarely well-developed, and seems to spend a lot of time gnashing teeth over the heroine's actions. Lucien is a fine hero, but a little bland. Amaryllis is more developed, but isn't an inspiring heroine. One character describes her as "a prissy, straight-laced, self-righteous [person] who seemed to think it was her job in life to act as a goddamned conscience for everyone else." And that about sums up Amaryllis. She's about as sexy as a Miss Manners etiquette book, but not as humorous. I didn't dislike her at all, I just wasn't drawn to her and couldn't see any reason Lucien was, either. Plus she pulled one or two TSTL stunts and was way too naive to be believed.

Since Castle has spent time in this book setting up the world, the next two books might have more plot and less backstory. I'll probably read the next one since I own it.