A review by yche09
Stiltskin by Andrew Buckley


Ever felt as if a book is too good to only be in print? Like it needs to have a bigger stage.. Saaayy.. a movie??!!
It's like that with STILTSKIN!!!!

Oh gosh, it's a whirlwind of adventure!! I'm so proud to say that I read this book!

Alright, first things first..

The characters.. There are many of them here, but only a few that you'd understand right off the bat. A lot of them are complex and some of them, I only got to understand in the end. I would say that these characters are portrayed uniquely and are introduced very much in detail. I swear the author has a knack for introducing characters in the most interesting way possible! He gives them a grand entrance, in my opinion, that you have no choice but be intrigued!

So.. Characters? BIG CHECK! Protagonists or antagonists.. He nailed them!

I have two favorite characters, The "CAT" who's all wise and very entertaining and Veszico, my hotheaded and tinier fictional self. Haha! So there! It's all cool! They're both cool! :)

No as for the story it self... Of course, you probably already know that this is all about the fairy tale world, but it's not depicted as that. It's way different! Plus, you get to see many of these fairy tale characters in a different light!

Just to give you a bit of information regarding the story... It all revolves around one guy who never fit in the normal world. He's an odd one and many, many weird things have been happening to him over the years that they all seem familiar to him now. I found him to be a sad sort of individual at first, but as it turns out, he has a colorful past.. one with a rabbits, dwarfs, wolves, magic and endless mysteries. He has a chance to venture there now and he takes it! He gets to meet a lot of um.. people.. and umm.. creatures. He also gets to travel from one umm.. place to many others. It's all so interesting!

That's what you get here. No boring moments! Even the characters' banters are well worth your time! I had a good time laughing my ass off with most of their lines! :)

As a big fan of fairy tale remakes (trust me, I've read many of them!), I can tell you that this one is damn good! One would say that the author took a risky move in depicting many characters in a very outlandish way, but I call it brave! To me, that risk also paid off because I love what happened here. It's enjoyable, entertaining and full of surprises!

All in all.. I would gladly give this a perfect 5!

I can't wait for the next one!!! ^_____^

An ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.