A review by tfail24
Awakening by Sydney Holmes


I loved Ryan and Nora......

Lets start with Nora... When this story begins she is in a relationship with Darren and to me, he is smothering the life right out of her. It's always about him, he's really moody, and Nora basically gives up her dream career so that he can get his career started first. Now 3 years later:

Nora goes out with her girlfriends to celebrate Sophie's 24th birthday and they are drinking and dancing and Nora is relaxing and having fun; something that she can't do with Darren because he never let's loose. 5 girls out partying/drinking and 4 random guys show up at their table to dance, so Nora sits the dance out and lets the other 4 girls have the guys. Then, out of no where, someone walks up behind her and asks her to dance. She accepts and her dance with this mystery man opens up her eyes to many things, but the most being how she is missing out on life and not really living it, because she felt alive while dancing with him. Nora is currently working with a major law firm to plan a convention type of thing and is blind sided when the mystery man walks into her conference room OR she thinks it's him anyway.

Now, enter Ryan... Ryan is HOT, and a lawyer, and is really down to earth. He doesn't let on that he was the guy in the club dancing with Nora. Ryan has a past and it's one that he thinks Nora will run from. Of course, he has crazy ass ex's in his past and one just happens to reveal things to Nora and opens her eyes to Ryan's past. It has Nora experiencing things that she is not sure about but Ryan shows her that side of him and she takes as much as she can, until something happens that about destroys what they have.

The only problem that I had with this book is that I would have liked to see them together, as a couple, a little longer to see how their feelings for each other grew. Other than that, this book had me hooked from the very beginning and I couldn't wait to see what happened between them. I am looking forward to reading more from this author.

ARC provided by the author for an honest review.