A review by anna4
Hotel Magnifique by Emily J. Taylor

Did not finish book. Stopped at 23%.
I'm making the executive decision to just...stop. Will I ever finish this ? Who knows.
I started this book a month ago and didn't even made it past the first 100 pages.

At first, I got "Hotel del Luna" vibes. For those who don't know what I'm talking about: It's a K-Drama. A very, very good one. It's about a magical hotel, which is managed by this immortal woman and is basically a luxury vacation for dead souls before they finally leave to wherever they're off to. Obviously there's also a totally cute love story happening! Totally recommend this one.
Then I got Caraval vibes, because of the sisters. 

And now I'm 88 pages in and I don't think I care enough to continue. I was also listening to the audio book, hoping this would help me but..not really.