A review by kimster82
Stargazer by Claudia Gray


Another one that scores high on my whut-meter. Seriously.

I'm guessing Bianca going on and on about The Kiss by Klimt (which I think is an ugly piece of art, but that's just my opinion) is to show that she's actually Bella Swan sophisticated and deep? Don't get me wrong, I've always loved this for example (it's totally safe guys) and I'm sure there are a lot of people who think that's a piece of crap. But I don't compare everything that happens to it, or think about it at random times. The Kiss is a painting, not a way of life.

The thing with vampires and running water... I've heard about before, it's nothing new so I didn't have any issues with it. Until it was mentioned Bianca was in the shower. Showers = running water. Why doesn't she have any problems with that? The direction of how it flows? Cause I'm pretty sure I can't tell you which way my water is going when I'm washing my hair. Yes, for most part, it goes down. But still, if she moves around in the shower, she'd be crossing running water constantly. I know I'm taking this too far, but the reason this is getting on my nerves is because they mentioned Bianca and the rest of the Black Cross gang driving through the Lincoln Tunnel to get to New York City. Driving under a huge river doesn't seem to be a problem AT ALL. Yet crossing a small stream is. I mean come on. There is no way the laws are that strict. To me it seems the author didn't really think this through, and just thought is was a good idea to bring that part of vampire lore into the story and didn't think it through.

Another part that bothered me: Bianca & Balthazar. Yes, they seek comfort in each other, both for the wrong reasons. But she keeps on telling us she's not attracted to Balthazar in a romantic way. But where did the whole 'drink my blood baby' scene come from? Not to mention "Please say yes Bianca" ?? I'm sorry, what? I'll admit that thinking about having a vampire drink your blood does give off an erotic vibe (and I do realize that the real life version is probably not romantic or erotic at all, IF it could happen I mean) But going from sitting on the bench to a full homerun with a so-called friend, while she didn't even see her own boyfriend without his shirt on yet is kinda pushing it. The scene was only there because the book needed at least one hot thing to happen, which was hard (no pun intended) because Lucas wasn't around for 95% of the book. Oh and so not the point but I like Balthazar a lot better than Lucas.

Oh and Bianca being able to hide the fact that she is a vampire? Seriously. I don't even know what to say about that.