A review by triciaschneider
Die For You by Michele Mills


The blurb to this novel is astounding! It totally grabbed me and I had to immediately read the first three sample chapters, which also hooked me. I bought the book with high expectations. It fell a little flat after that. I guess I was expecting the story to go in one direction and the author chose another. No big deal. It was still a really good story, just not what I was expecting.

Weirdly, I enjoyed the overuse of the bad language. It made the story more realistic with the f-bombs constantly thrown around. If a virus wiped out 75% of the population, I'm pretty sure those who were left would be cussing up a storm.

I think I would have liked this story to be more of a slow burn romance. It was basically insta-love, which works great for a lot of readers. I really enjoyed Adam and Rachel's emotional attachment to each other, but to me it felt rushed. The connection that the two characters felt for each other was passionate and well written.

The characters were believable. Adam is a Marine, an Alpha male with a past relationship that has left him wounded. He's passionate and protective of what's his. Rachel is a young girl, fresh out of high school, currently attending college until the outbreak, clearly inexperienced in the reality of life and love. Both of these characters grow throughout the book as the new world they are forced to survive in changes them forever.

The steamy sex scenes were definitely worth the price of the book. There were plenty of them and quite enjoyable.

Now that I know what I'm getting into with this author's writing style, I'm interested to read the rest of the series. There are two more books in the series, one of which is Trevor's story which I'm eager to read.