A review by melstylensubstance
Salt Kiss by Sierra Simone


I am a loyal congregant to the church of Rev Sierra. So actually getting an ARC of Salt Kiss in exchange for my thoughts seems almost surreal. I knew I couldn’t wait to hear this story. I read the prequel, Salt in the Wound, which is told from Isolde’s POV and has a lot of useful information.

But - it made me wonder how Salt Kiss would feel if I hadn’t read it first? What would my impressions of Mark and Isolde be? Like I know what Isolde’s damage is because I read the prequel. Would she currently be a more sympathetic character if I hadn’t?

But, this is Tristan’s book. Told from his POV. He’s a sad boy ex soldier. He literally doesn’t know what to do with himself now that he’s not in the army. So, when Mark Trevana invites him to apply for a job as bodyguard, he figures - why not? It’s just another way to live my life in service and following orders. And he does that for Mark in spades.

As Tristan becomes less of a soldier and more of a servant, he opens his mind to the ways in which service can actually help him. He craves to please his new boss Mark. And realizes he himself gets pleasure from pleasing Mark. It’s quite something to be in Tristan’s mind as he slowly lets down his preconceived ideas and falls hopelessly to the point of being pathetic in love with Mark. Like he knows, and we know, and even Mark knows, that Tristan will be hurt and yet he gives himself up to it anyway.

Tristan is so hurt when he finds out that Mark is engaged, and has been for years. Tristan is nothing if not loyal, however, and goes to retrieve Isolde and they take a big fancy boat from Ireland to Manhattan.
Lo and behold, Tristan also falls in love with Isolde - because he’s a horny masochist with a gooey inside that loves to fall in love with emotionally unavailable people with secrets.

We’ve met Mark before in American King, as the owner of the sex club Lyonesse and the man who teaches Ash to be a dominant. And he’s very good at his job. And this story contains small glimpses in to the New Camelot story as well, with references to Ash’s death, Embry as current president and current husband of Ash’s widow. And the Carpathian conflict is still very much present.

I expect k!nky fun times from Rev Sierra. And in this series opener, we have MM and MF pairings. And as always, she delivers in a way that is so beautifully and emotionally written it sits heavy in my chest. In the best way.

And now I am left in a book hangover. As usual, I am left contemplating these vivid characters and their motivations and desires for a long time after the last chapter. Next installment, Honey Cut, can’t come soon enough!

Re read on audio Dec 23. I appreciated the connection with Tristan and Isolde this time. His term of endearment “Honey” was much more impactful, esp knowing the next book is called Honey Cut.

Reread May 24 after reading an ARC of Honey Cut. OMFG! The connections! I just imagine Sierra with a murder board of all the breadcrumbs that you don’t even know are breadcrumbs.