A review by nicolet2018
Allure by Nina Lane


I throughly enjoyed the first book so it was a no brainer to read this. I am so impressed with how romantic but real Liv and Dean's marriage is. At first, I raised my eyebrows when I knew she was a student and him a teacher. There are enough cliche situations in fiction for this trope. But both of them felt so relatable. Liv with her trust issues and Dean's struggle to be perfect.

I liked that the author did not shy away from having the characters have difficult conversatios such as how do they work on their marriage after all the hurt they put each other through and are secrets really worth it? I felt that it provided a good balance to the many steamy scenes. I especially like the depth at which the author crafted their relationship to the point where as awesome and sexy the sex scenes were for them, it raised the problem of them using that to conpensate for other issues. Which I feel not all books would bother to go into. Mostly its all "sex! sex! mindblowing sex!". I admired them going for counselling I do not think all couples will be so brave to say "we have a problem we can't solve by ourselves, let's get help".

SpoilerThe other reason I feel so much for this book is the when Liv had the miscarriage. Oh gosh no one expected it and things were going so well. Damn even I felt heartbroken, I cannot imagine and then Dean being accused of impropriety just made me want to hug them because
they keep having such difficult times but that is life isn't it? I could not put this down. A good balance of romantic and realisitc. Aww I like the part where Liv gets insecure about how she will get bigger as she is pregnant and Dean does not care. They do have quite witty and adorable back and forths as well.

I liked learning more about Dean's past and his family, I did not get much of that from the first book. The flow of the story can be confusing at times because it goes from the present and flashback to the past. It does take abit if getting used to.

But I enjoyed this so much that I would love to read more of the series!