A review by timefliesaway
The Shadow's Curse by Mac Smith



Fr tho, this is truly amazing! Mesmerizing! Each page, each panel, is so full of detail, painted with so much love, you could stare at it for hours! You could literally use each panel as a poster to hang in your room! Iā€™m not kidding.

Apart from the art, the story is nice as well. Dark fantasy, post-apocalyptic. Humans are gone, animals turned mad or just hungry. Really well done, I was always in this post-apocalyptic feeling; the art of course underlined that, with the well used color grading and/or atmosphere.

The protagonist is a mouse, so there are lots of predators and our heroes can never rest. But there are friends as well. I loved the foxes the most, but it's hard to decide. The deer was cool too, I loved his chillness. All characters ā€“ on the good side ā€“ were nice, but even the ones on the bad side were well thought-through as well. Everyone felt very real.
The perspective from the mice was super great. Probably as well through the art and the camera angles, but more times than not, I felt myself transformed into a mouse and left alone in this large forest. The wolves were pretty creepy, especially at the beginning (I read it at night the first chapter, and I seriously was too afraid to do anything because of the realism and creepiness of the wolves, and generally everything in this comic). Even the cats were creepier than they should be (as a human).

I really really loved that comic, read it in one day on tapas and i hope to buy the physical copies, if they are still available. I can't believe how few likes/comments there are on Tapas; that's criminally shocking and unbelievable. Go read it, now!