A review by outcolder
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Sheryl WuDunn, Nicholas D. Kristof


Read this a few years before writing this review. I remember thinking Kristof's "big stick" solutions had a ring of the old "here comes the West to save you" and that that hasn't been working out so well the last few centuries. I also remember a bit where he kind of dismisses sex worker labor unions, and the example he uses is actually a "yellow" labor union by which I mean one that is controlled by management. It's all classic New York Times ... humanitarian interventions and union bashing. But I mean, come on, his heart is very much in the right place! I think the stuff in here about maternal mortality made the biggest impression on me, and the book did inspire me to look at various NGOs and to even fork over some money to some of them.