A review by lizabethstucker
Torchwood: Pack Animals by Peter Anghelides


Okay, this Torchwood book is a testament to "Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover". Which, by the way, has Gwen walking on broken pavement, a tiger by her side, carrying MonstaQuest cards that seem to have Tosh on one of them.

The basic premise is simple enough. There are monsters out there that frighten the Weevils, ones that seem to travel through telephones and CCTV feeds. It is up to Torchwood to find out what is going on and stop it, but this time there is another group of alien hunters who have the same goal

This is my favorite book to date. Why, you ask? First is because we have a real Jack/Ianto relationship, one that involves actual kissing. And then there is naked!Ianto, always a plus in my mind. Seriously, the story is well-written, isn't Gwen-centric, but has a great Gwen/Rhys dynamic going on.