A review by sewfarsewgood
Engleby by Sebastian Faulks


I decided to read this as I'd heard of Faulks before through school but 'Birdsong' didn't really appeal to me at the time, I thought that this sounded like quite a good book.
I finished this book yesterday and I really liked reading this book but I had to think overnight about how I would go about writing this book as it left me quite confused.
The story of Mike Engleby is a complicated one and made even more so by the fact that it is narrated by him and you're never too sure of how truthful his accounts are. Almost right from the start you know that there's something not quite right with his character, and this becomes more apparent when he becomes infatuated with one of his classmates. One of the things that really brought this home to me was Jen's diary entries after he steals her diary she refers to him as Mike (!) and this brought up flagsfor me. When she goes missing you think that it was him but he gives no indication it was so you end up believing that he's innocent. It was when he was locked up and started remembering what really happened that it really shocked me as his description was so to the point it was scary.
This book was a great read and I really enjoyed it, the only point that annoyed me was the last diary entry which really turns everything on its head and leaves you with so many questions; did Mike make this up? Was everything in his head? Did Jen even exist? And at the moment this annoys me but it has made me think over the book more and after a while I will probably think how effective this was in making me really think about the book