A review by b00knerd
See All the Stars by Kit Frick


Before Ret, I was basically invisible.
With Ret, I was somebody.

Lets meet the characters:
Ellory- She is our main character. The artist. The shy, kind and easily influenced one.
Ret- The leader, the it-girl, the girl everyone wants to be. You get it.
Jenny- the wannabe, poser of sorts, snob, suck-up
Bex- The mediator, problem solver, peacemaker.

This novel had so much depth and beauty in every chapter. Now being an adult this novel makes you go back in time and think of the raw beauty of childhood and what mistakes will be made and how it will shape your future. My mind is still in a jumble of what I just read that I'm not sure how to put it into words. My favorite read so far.

See All the Stars is told through Ellory's perspective. We follow her and her best friends through high school years, going from two timelines 'NOW and 'THEN' eventually colliding into the epically tragic finale of finding out what really happens, which is referred to as 'the fall' I had my guess on what was going to happen and of course I was right but the author through in a HUGE mind blowing twist that left me utterly speechless.

Overall I loved this novel more you can imagine. I was hesitant to read this because it is a YA novel but this wont disappoint.

Thanks to NetGalley & everyone!!!