A review by dreaming_ace
Sword Stone Table: Old Legends, New Voices by Jenn Northington, Swapna Krishna


I wanted to enjoy this collection more than I actually did. There were a few great stories and a bunch that were perfectly fine but not the type I am going to remember.

I think over all I enjoyed the ones set in Camelot times a bit more than the ones set it modern times or in the future because the present and future ones felt a bit more forced. I also enjoyed the ones which were more focused on Merlin.

I mean King Arthur, Genevieve, and Lancelot are fine just not as interesting as Merlin as a character. (Though Arthur, Genevieve, and Lancelot just need to get in a polyamorous relationship and all there troubles would go away)

I think at least part of my struggle was I misunderstood the premise of the collections and thought it was going to be almost all LGBTQ+ interpretations and while those were included other interpretation took more of the focus.