A review by snazzybooks
These Violent Delights by Victoria Namkung


Book reviews. on www.snazzybooks.com

These Violent Delights is a deep, multi-faceted novel which touches upon a very emotive issues: teacher relationships (of a sexual nature) with pupils.

This subject matter is, of course, very pertinent to today’s issues, and though it might not be right to say it is an ‘enjoyable’ read, I did nevertheless enjoy it as it was engagingly written and very interesting. There was plenty of suspense, but it wasn’t a mystery  because the reader knows from the beginning what has happened to certain people and who did this to them, but you’re never sure if Dr Copeland is going to get what he deserves - and, as the novel goes on, more and more of the teacher in question's behaviour is revealed.

These Violent Delights is an interesting - and at times, shocking too - read and I found it made me consider how I'd react to this, both as a young impressionable girl still at school and also as an adult, knowing how topical this issue is today. It's easy to see why someone very young would not know how to react, but not at all easy to see why the school in question would not take more direct and immediate action.

The story incorporates developments from a journalistic perspective and from the perspective of the victims themselves which I thought was really impactful. Both accounts are horrifying in their own way - we learn of some of the awful responses the public, school and other people have to the story breaking, and of course learning more about the calculated grooming by Dr Copeland himself is also really disturbing. The story presents everything in a realistic way and at some parts the story really hits home. I would recommend this to anyone looking for an interesting, thought-provoking read.

Many thanks to Griffith Moon Publishing for providing a copy of this novel on which I chose to write an honest and unbiased review.