A review by veronica87
The Hour of Dust and Ashes by Kelly Gay


I'm still really enjoying this series. Charlie continues to be a likeable heroine who doesn't walk around acting like she's some total badass all the time. She's smart enough and mature enough to know when she should be scared out of her mind and, despite her growing powers, she never just assumes that she can overpower anyone. Hank continues to be deliciously sexy. What a flirt! We learn more about him as the consequences of his past come home to roost and it looks like the next book will expand on that even more. Rex, everyone's favorite Jinn-turned-Revenant, continues to be outrageously hilarious. Ever since he charmed me in book one I've been afraid of how Charlie would resolve things. Rex's special situation does get resolved in this book and I was pleased with how it turned out. My only complaint about it was how the related outcome of a character that we haven't seen since midway through book one ended up overshadowing what happened to Hank. Lastly, while romance is not a huge focal point in this series it is in there and the Hank/Charlie dynamic remains fresh and fun. I almost can't believe that this is the third book in the series and there is no, I repeat NO, love triangle drama. Seriously. I'm definitely looking forward to the next book.