A review by read_on_reader
This Is Forever by Natasha Madison


Justin was just beyond amazing and his character was perfection. He is running a hockey summer camp for underprivileged kids and this is where he meets Dylan and his mother, Caroline. For Justin the attraction was instant, but he also saw that there was something more between them and was bound and determined to explore it more. Justin discovers that Caroline is a single mother and even though she has been through so much and they are struggling financially, she has worked hard and made a life for her and her son, this makes Justin fall even harder for her. With a heart of gold and family ties so strong Justin doesn’t want to fix everything for Carolina, but rather be the one she can turn to and lend a helping hand. These two were perfect for each other and although Caroline struggles with asking for and expecting help, she finally lets Justin in. I loved we got to see more of the Stone family and that they stood by Justin no matter what even if at times they may not have seen eye to eye.