A review by sashana
Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood


**Excuse me while I ramble**
YA Heroines like Rose Hathaway and Katniss Everdeen have ruined me. I'm so used to their outspokenness and penchant toward ass-kicking that I expect this from all female protagonist. Does this make me unfair/biased/spoiled? Perhaps. Cate was expected to be compliant (not because she wanted to, but because she was expected to) and I didn't mind this at first but I kept waiting for her to say "To hell with these rules! I'm a witch!" Sadly, it never happened.

I was a little bored during the first half but thankfully things picked up towards the end. Cate's responsibilities worked for and against her: I sympathized the with weight she had to carry because of her mom's death but her role made her a bit dull to read about at times. I hated that Cate allowed herself to be so easily controlled by so may people around her. Again, a little Rose/Katniss spirit could have went a long way.

I did enjoy the second half of the story. Lots of secrets were revealed and I'm looking forward to book 2.