A review by susanthebookbag
Inconceivable! by Tegan Wren


First of all, I have to say that I fell in love with this cover: the colors, the silhouettes, the old newsprint, the clock tower. There was just so much there and I had to find out what it was all about. Yes, I admit it, the cover drew me in. And then I discovered the wonderful story inside.

The story starts with Hatty and John, a prince no less, meeting in a karaoke bar. Hatty is a reporter and this could be her big break, reporting on the royals. As she and John get closer, the reporting part of her life gets harder. That part of the story was fun to read, watching as Hatty starts to get to know John better and as she realizes that there is so much that has to be 'off the record'.

While Hatty is getting a tour of the royal home, they stop in to look at the family library. I love the following line since I am a library lover and have worked in one for many years. It warms my heart when authors acknowledge the importance of libraries and the passion some of us have for them.

'Libraries are magical. I could spend hours surrounded by books. It's like hanging out with your closest friends.'

Prince John and Hatty also take a tour of the cathedral, another one of my favorite parts of the story. Tegan writes so very well when she is describing the beauty of the building, that I felt like I was there with them. I love it when the author's words can transport me to another place.

I have to admit that it took me a long time to warm up to Prince John. I had a hard time trusting him and I did not want to see Hatty get hurt. The royal family and their traditions are very strong, maybe too strong to allow Hatty and John to find the happiness they are seeking. I felt like he had his own agenda most of the times and maybe he wasn't as sincere as he made himself out to be.

The author also deals with the very serious topic of infertility, which probably affects a lot more people than we know. Hatty and John go through so much as they try to conceive the Baby King. Infertility is not something that I have had to deal with so this was a very eye-opening and educating part of the story for me. Tegan handles the topic very well and gives us great insight since she and her husband have gone through this themselves.

Inconceivable! is a wonderful, entertaining, heart-breaking but heart-warming, beautiful debut novel by an author I will be watching. I can't wait to read whatever comes next from Tegan Wren.