A review by paola_mobileread
Silk by Alessandro Baricco


I did read the original version for obvious reasons - at first it did grab me, but then the spell broke, and though I did enjoy it, it went progressively downhill for me. The problem is I fell out of step with the style, and started focussing progressively more on the plot, which is where I think Silk wears thin(!). Sure, one should not get too hung up on the plot if the writing carries it, but the problem is that after a while it did not do it for me anymore. The ending is particularly disquieting
Spoiler - even assuming that Helen had found the first note, had it translated and figured out it was a woman, why get her own man to obsess about this by writing the second letter?

I know I shouldn't be wondering about this, at least I do not think this is what the author wants - it is just that the writing did not work for me.