A review by jeanz
Garnet's Story by Amy Ewing


I totally adore this series and the characters within it. I will be fascinated to see events through the eyes of Garnet as he is considered to be in a good position within the class hierarchy in the book, but it is also obvious that he is really quite deeply affected by the events occurring around him.

Will I enjoy revisiting the Lone City and seeing events through the eyes of the rather selfish character of Garnet.

There are two covers for this novella, one is quite dark and what I can only describe as having rather dismal looking background. The main feature of the cover is a crown. . .perhaps a reference to the Jewel district. The cover I have chosen to share within this review is the one I prefer which is bright red, has gold opulent writing which fits perfectly with the House Of Lakes that someday Garnet will be in charge of. The byline fits this novella perfectly "It's time he looked beyond the glittering facades of the Jewel" and it is what happens to Garnet during this novella.

I purchased this novella from Amazon UK as I have read The Jewel, The House Of Stone and The White Rose, I was looking forward to reading this novella even though I knew it would be basically have some of the same story that took place in The Jewel but it is told my Garnet and contains his feelings on events.
In this novella we discover how Garnet is himself living in a type of cage, though he initially my not see the boundaries of his cage, by the end of this novella, he is feeling the constraints and expectations of his mother, the person in charge of his cage quite keenly.
Garnet is somewhat sheltered and seems to have never even spared a thought to where the surrogates come from, to what they go through to provide the royal families with children,so he is in for a large shock to his system when it is revealed what happens to the surrogates during the process of them being impregnated and what ultimately happens to them when they have given birth to the treasured offspring.
Lucien really opens Garnet's eyes to what is going on in plain sight all around him. For probably the first time in his life Garnet thinks of someone other than himself.
It is interesting to see Garnet's whole way of thinking gradually change within this novella. I loved seeing his weakness for simpler things, like Violet playing her cello. It was also great to experience Garnet's frustration when Lucien at first refuses to tell him the surrogate's name, as well as when Lucien is keeping him on a "need to know" only basis in the elaborate plan to smuggle Violet right out from under the nose of the formidable Duchess Of The Lake.
Did I enjoy the novella? Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novella, seeing a side of Garnet that you don't get the chance to see in The Jewel.
Would I recommend the novella? Yes, as I found it an interesting part of the series. You not only see another side to Garnet but even get a small glimpse to a sliver of a softer side to the Duchess Of the Lake too.
Would I want to read more of this series? Yes! I'd read it right now if I had it!
Would I want to read other titles by this author? I would certainly take a close look and interest in any books written by this author. I really enjoy her writing style, her characters and world building and the detailed descriptions enable you as a reader to visualise the scenes you are reading.

I think I have seen a different, softer, more considerate of those around him side to Garnet.
To sum up my feelings about this book in just two words.....they would be . . . Loved It!! I enjoyed revisiting the Lone City and seeing how Garnet became involved with Lucien and his scheme to help Violet. It was fascinating learning how little Garnet knew about his own social circle....how little he knew of those people any lower than the banker class! This book does make you warm more to Garnet as you see the genuine love and affection he has for Cora and Annabelle. This book has made me even more desperate to read the next installment...The Black Key....I would be picking The Black Key right now to read it if I could!