A review by goodcook07
The Sweetest Gift by Jillian Hart


30 pages in I did not think I could continue reading this . 50 pages in I thought that zero stars would be too high of a rating. I forced myself to keep reading just because 1) I'm not a quitter and 2) I wondered how bad it could truly get. It did get better, and I surprise myself for giving it 2 stars.

The main problem is that the author does not know how to develop a character AT ALL. The first 30 pages were so trite and cringy I just COULDN'T . Kirby thinks her new next door neighbor is hot. But he's not marriage material. And there's even a cringy line that tells you " He saw the way she looked him up and down as possible marriage material". Yeah, right. Ok. Because every successful single woman can't look at a man without accessing him as "marriage material". Then she went on to say how he seemed unreliable, not a good neighbor, even going as far as to say that the landlord promised no "single men" living there. Why did she think he was unreliable? The author gives no reason for her to think this. She basically starts being rude to him for no good reason. He is joking with her and she keeps retorting in a snarky way, and yet she is described as a friendly girl-next-door type.
The first cringy line in the book is "I guess you're not used to men bursting through your hedges". Honestly this made me laugh so hard I had to keep going. The snarky banter goes on for literally 30 pages. I could hardly stand it.
Also, the other thing that drove me nuts was that it was established that he was an army vet but it kept talking about his mission with SEALS. That's Navy there , Jillian. Different branch. Ugh.
The book DID get better like I promised though, with a little thrill and some cutesy romance . A happy ending. But you knew that was coming right from the start.