A review by the_weirdling
The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit by Beatrix Potter


This 1906 book by Ms. Potter is meant for the youngest of her readers. It is a taste for the very young of the delightful world of Peter Rabbit, which has only become better with time by becoming quaint.

The plot is a straightforward morality tale at its barest of bones. There is a good bunny and a bad bunny. The bad bunny steals the carrot being enjoyed by the good bunny and scratches him. Eating his stolen carrot, the bad bunny is shot by an hunter and loses his tail and feast both. The moral: don't be mean and steal, or bad things will happen to you.

This tale probably was better received in 1906. Today, in a world shaped by adored animal protagonists and devoid of engagement with the actual countryside, it comes off as a little unnecessarily harsh to the bad rabbit. Furthermore, the plot is so barebones, it comes off as painfully trite.

This is my least favorite book of the Beatrix Potter works. Three stars is worst she can possibly do, and that says quite a lot about how excellent she usually is.