A review by laughlinesandliterature
Three Broken Promises by Monica Murphy


* I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
I’ve really enjoyed Monica Murphy’s writing since One Week Boyfriend and this installment of that series definitely didn’t not disappoint. Three Broken Promises is Jen and Colin’s story, and I was extremely excited because the two had such great chemistry in the previous books.

I thought we had learned alot about Jen in the last book, but really this book only made me realize how secretive she could be. I can definitely understand her reasons why, but it brought a depth to her character that I wasn’t expecting. I didn’t think she was necessarily shallow, but I didn’t realize how much more to her there was.

Colin was pretty much as I expected him to be, and less traumatized than I originally thought. In a way it actually bothered me to find out what really had him upset. I understand why he would feel guilty it just seemed like an overreaction especially one that lasted like two and a half years. I do think Colin was a great guy, but for most of the book I kept thinking that he needed to see a therapist for his guilt complex.

Overall, I would probably give the book 3 out of 5 stars. I did enjoy the novel; however, I just felt as though there was something present in the first two installments of the series which was missing in this one. I did enjoy the novel; however, I just felt as though there was something present in the first two installments of the series which was missing in this one.. Jen and Colin had great chemistry, and it’s definitely for fans of the New Adult genre, but there was just a missing element for me. However, there is an upcoming installment in this series, Four Years Later that I will DEFINITELY be picking up. I just can’t wait!
*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews http://moonlightgleam.com/2014/01/three-broken-promises-by-monica-murphy.html*