A review by faimt28
Who Is Maud Dixon? by Alexandra Andrews


Rating: 5 ☆

Y’alllll. This book. First of all, going in, I was not expecting a thriller, maybe because I didn’t think too much about the description, but who knows. So of course, going into this book semi-blind made it all the more shocking to me.

Summary: Florence is an unhappy publishing company employee who somehow stumbles into the role of assistant to the famous author Maud Dixon - whose true identity is a secret. They go on a trip to Morocco to do research on Maud’s upcoming novel, when the duo get into a car crash, and suddenly Maud disappears. Florence takes this as a great opportunity to just... take over Maud’s identity, because that comes with some perks... right?

When I read this summary, I didn’t expect too much from it. But the characters are so so so well developed. It takes a good deal of work for a not likable protagonist to be written as someone that the reader has sympathy for. But slowly page by page until the wild last 25% of the book everyone’s truths come out. I would say perhaps the first quarter of the book was a bit slow, but it sort of exponentially gets more interesting and can’t-take-my-eyes-off-this towards the end. I also loved the descriptions in Morroco, and thought it was cool to get a glimpse into the publishing industry. Also, as a debut novel, I am even more impressed by this writing!

Overall: Ya gotta read this when it comes out March 2nd!