A review by mesy_mark
All Fall Down by Jennifer Weiner


Damn one thing that keeps me from rating this higher is that damn annoyance of the child. Ellie is just, well acting like a spoiled two-year-old! And that's my first thought about this book. All that child does is going into SPEAKING MODE like this and THEN ALL over AGAIN. Its just so annoying I can see why someone would want to sleep away their days away to avoid the kid. The eternal screaming at these pages I did do cause of this character.

For writing style and ability, I will give where credit is due. Ditto on the idea of the book. But there were just some issues (besides a brat of a child) One of which is the Allison's own mothers addiction to alcohol that after a car accident let her stop driving because Allison was in the car with her at a tender age of 4 but Allision has no memory of it It goes nowhere and adds nothing to the story. And then there is the mysterious L character that gets a brief mention of Dave's what? Is she an affair? Or what? Nothing is made out of it. Another thing that seems to be tropes of residence/inpatient hospital stay stories is that the main character is bound to escape or leave before the hospital wants to discharge them. I've read at least three books last year alone that deal with that aspect of a character fleeing and that's when the big change in the character occurs. Is this just to move the plot along in a faster pathway than a typical recovery? I didn't know. All I know it happens.

Overall, I love the idea. I love the writing but had problems with certain (brat of a child) characters and some points of the book that goes nowhere