A review by meghan_plethoraofpages
This Might Hurt by Stephanie Wrobel


This Might Hurt by Stephanie Wrobel

Wisewood is a six-month long self-improvement retreat on an isolated, private island somewhere off the coast of Maine. Responsible, corporate workaholic Nat’s little sister Kit has signed up, wanting to find a new direction in her life. Months later, when Nat receives a threatening email from Wisewood, threatening to expose a deep secret to Kit, Nat heads off to the island to figure out what’s going on. Suspense and mystery shroud the island..

A really enjoyable, suspenseful and entertaining read. There is a multiple timeline/POV structure used, and it’s done well. The origin story of one of the main characters is so engaging and creepy. The slowly revealed cultish and psychological manipulation going on is wild. The island setting is perfect, and I loved that it’s winter, adding to the solitude and atmosphere.

The less I say, the better to preserve the suspense. The plot was at times annoyingly convenient, and Nat/Kit’s story not the most exciting, but Madame Fearless.. I could have read a whole book centered only on her. A deep and richly written character!

I recommend this for readers of psychological suspense, readers who want something entertaining/fun but with an atmospheric and dark plot. A solid popcorn thriller! Many thanks to Simon and Schuster Canada and to Netgalley for an e-arc of this upcoming release. It is available Feb 22, 2022!