A review by magencorrie
Rebel Heart by Moira Young


My review:

Even though its been awhile since I read Blood Red Rood (Dust Land, #1) I was able to be completely consumed in this dystopian world that Young created. I wasn't sure where she was going to take me, what was going to take place in Rebel Heart, so let me just say I was taken away. Away from my a/c conditioned house, cozy chair and easy life. I was thrusted into a world of danger, despair and desolation.

What I love so much about this series is the spin-gripping reality of it. The way that Young writes, makes you not just an observer to the story , but become a part of it. And that is pure magic in my eyes. I am able to lose sight of my world, and only see, hear, taste and feel the world of Dust Lands.

‘She shines so bright, the fire of life burns so strong in her. I never realized till I met her… I bin cold my whole life.’

Saba thought having her twin brother, Lugh, back would make everything seem normal. But the actions that took place to save her brother have brought Saba into a world she cannot escape.

After saving Jack, and falling in love with him, her heart seems like it’ll belong only to him. Forever.

But Lugh has his own demons he seems to be facing, and Jack is gone. There is also a price on Saba’s head.

Through it all, she tries to be strong, for her sister, her brother and for Jack. But slowly the things that took placed back in Hope Town are catching up to her. Her demons and ghosts are on the rise.

She’s losing hope, in herself, in Jack and in everything she has ever believed in. And her enemy isn't what he seems.

“If it’s meant to be, it’ll find you. We like to think we’re in charge of our own lives, but we ain’t. Not really.”

The characters are what make this book, along with the description, and the plot. The characters are so powerful in their roles, so unique and memorable. And it is Saba who I have seen so much growth in. She has come so far from the first book to where she is now. Saba has proven how strong she is in this book, but she also has shown how human, how fragile she is. Being able to watch her grow, she became a character I have enjoyed so much. I feel she is finally finding her place. But she still has a very hard and dangerous road a head of her. Though the events that have taken place are haunting her and she begins to doubt herself and Jack, her greatness comes through.I cannot wait to see how Saba will shine.

Then, on my, we have Jack! How can I explain this character? Like Saba, he is real and wonderful. He also has been through so much to get where he is now, and has fought on a long and hard road. He is a reckless and very courageous character in my mind. Even when he doesn't believe he is good, his actions say otherwise. And then when he felt like he doesn't deserve Saba, my heart hurt. It literally starting hurting!

Now, the main characters are mesmerizing but other characters also hold a place in my heart. One such character is Emmi, Saba’s little sister. I adored her, she has a hopefulness that she is able to always keep with her, even when the other characters seemed to lack it, she was there to make them confident again.
Lugh, like Saba, is also struggling to overcome what has happen to him when he was taken, it seems he has many demons, and now that Saba doesn't need to be his shadow anymore, he has lost his place. Throughout the book, I could see him struggling to be who he was, but so much has changed that he doesn't know where he stands now.

My heart hurt a lot during this book, from when Saba becomes discouraged, to how she and the other characters suffered. I really did at times, want Jack to swoop in and ease her doubts. But this is story that shows you that cruel, bad and bone deep chilling things happen, and someone can’t always save you. You have to learn to save yourself.

I adore Moira Young’s writing style and how she told this story. You are sucked right into the world by her description of the land and the people. The description is told so well, the plot and pace amazingly, that I am there. I am in that world, experiencing, feeling and absorbing it all. You are able to feel the pure depth of emotions for and by these characters.

Rebel Heart is realistic in the pain, the failure and the loss, but also in the hope, the love and the strength. This is a series that I just adore, and I cannot wait for the next book!

If you enjoy strong characters, a compiling story and a mesmerizing world you can lose yourself in then I would put this series on your to-be-read pile!