A review by redhairedashreads
How to Capture a Duke by Bianca Blythe


4.5 stars

Fiona Amberly is a strong willed female who refuses to be like the other “ton.” She doesn’t want to get married or deal with men who see women as just arm candy. She just wants to be an archaeologist and discover history. She even develops a system of measurement and labeling for future researchers!

As you can tell, I really loved Fiona. She doesn’t let bad situations stop her from achieving her dream. This wallflower is spunky, smart, and determined. I loved everything about her character.

Percival Carmichael is a war veterans who lost part of his leg. Percival is quite a interesting character. He spends the beginning of the book trying to get away from Fiona but quickly changes his mind once he actually starts talking and interacting with her. But like most hero's, he messes up, and not in a little way either. He quickly realizes his mistake but it takes him a few months to admit it and try to win her back.

I really loved the romance between these two. It was quick but perfect for the situation. He supports her work and continues to encourage her to look for archaeological sites. Fiona may hate being part of society but she realizes she tries to make everyone comfortable as possible, especially those shy wallflowers. I really like how they both make concessions for their different lifestyles, but don’t give up their goals to do so.

Overall a wonderful book. I definitely plan on reading more of Blythe’s books in the future.
Romanceopoly Mystery Challenge #2 - Wallflower or courtesan