A review by a_j_torres0
The Novice by Taran Matharu


This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 1.

Book Cover: 3* - As I said in my Harry Potter Book 1 review, I love illustrated covers, that being said the main character alone looks great but a solid background with sparkling blue and white light, not so much. It doesn't really set any settings for me but it isn't all bad. I do like that little ball of magic coming out of his tattooed hand and the little demon perched on his left shoulder, so cute.

Summary/Tagline: 2.5* - The summary reads like any normal summary and sounds like a few other books that have MC finds he is some of the rare few to do something amazing and must go somewhere to learn, of course there will be rivalries and of course it will be up to him to save everything. The beginning part of the summary is a brief passage from the first chapter right in the beginning, I honestly don't think that is necessary as after reading the summary I normally like to see how the first chapter reads only to find the words are verbatim. I didn't really find anything special or attractive about the summary.

Characters: 4* - I don't like the comparison between this book and Harry Potter, all because we are in a magical school with magical students it automatically means if you like Harry Potter then you'll definitely like this book which is just terrible. Out of the many main characters I have ever read Fletcher Wulf is just amazing. I've never fallen in love with a MC so fast, he's very kind, open minded, adorkably friendly, just AGH! I love this kid. Sadly I can't say the same for the other characters in this book. Othello Thorsager is a dwarf and an obvious comic relief and Sylva Arkenia is an elf with a stick up her ass. She eventually loosens up but she talks down to other characters too much for me to care for her. Then OH MY GOD! The twin Malfoy characters are just taken to the extreme in this book. The villain/rival characters are twin siblings, nobles name Tarquin and Isadora Forsyth and they are annoyingly pompous in the worst way possible. If the author meant for me to hate them no matter what then it works because I can't stand these characters. There is a few teachers that are interesting but they aren't shown enough for me to fully care when they do enter a chapter and then there are other characters that sadly are forgettable.

World Building: 2* - The world building is just non existent in this book. When it comes to fantasy books I expect some history and customs to be exclaimed but because of the, what I'm assuming, Wattpad short chapters issue this book has, the author missed out a lot. At most all I know is there is a terrible war with orcs in the south where I think this kingdom is losing though I'm not sure, barely any one is taking it seriously, and the elf war in the north that doesn't seem to be going anywhere because barely anything happens up there. Dwarves are treated as second class citizens, maybe worse, some humans suck and the former King was just terrible to his subjects . . . That's it? Well dwarves homes are more underground and they are great black smiths, they made the guns . . . so do dwarves in World of Warcraft, anything else . . . no, well that's just disappointing. Even the school was highly underwhelming. We only visit a few of the classrooms, the arena, and the dorms the common students sleep in. There isn't much exploring of what this school is. I suppose we do get a how the school came to be in the 2nd book but I'm reviewing the 1st book so it's getting points knocked off.

Story: 3* - The story seems pretty straightforward and sadly very predictable but I had fun nonetheless because of the MC Fletcher and his demon companion Ignatius. MC is picked on by the noble's son at his village, gets an awesome item from a wondering old soldier, summons a demon and accidentally sicks it on the noble's son that was trying to kill him, runs away after foster father calls him son because there needs to be some sort of feels in the beginning, goes to the capital city that only took a couple of days to get to which means there isn't much distance to worry about in this book, is saved by a bad ass teacher that isn't around much after this encounter, goes to school for magic and demon summoning, learns a few things, life is going well but then it doesn't. I will say the ending did surprise me but if you hate cliffhangers with a passion then I suggest giving this book a pass but if you are looking to read fantasy for the first time then pick up this book, I promise it is a fun read.

Over All: 4* - The only reason this book is 4 stars instead of 3 is because of Fletcher. I'm not kidding. I really do love this character. I'm always rooting for him even though there really isn't a need for one lol. I've already read all three books so I know the world building doesn't get better and the story remains predictable but for this book, 4 stars remains.