A review by crunden
The Curse of the Black Cat by Lou Wilham


This is an inherently sweet spin on the classic fairy tale. Prince Alrik of Edan is set to marry Princess Amriah, whom he doesn't, and can't, love. Cos, you know, he fancies the pants off Filip, his valet. He tries to play along and give Amriah a chance, but he can't. He feels nothing for her. Filled with fear of his secret being discovered, Alrik seeks out the witch Gwydion, for help: he wants to be 'cured'. :( It's a very sad moment, but rather than take advantage of him, Gwydion tells him there's nothing wrong with him: I'm afraid there is no cure for such a thing, dear prince. We love who we love, and that is the end of that. No magic can change it, not even mine. Nor would I want it to. I really liked her! She's such a kind person.

Unfortunately, Alrik doesn't take this well and Gwydion turns him into a cat. And she can't change him back cos magic doesn't work like that. A cat you are now, and a cat you shall stay until you can learn to love yourself. It's an interesting twist to say the least. In addition to being a cat, he's now immortal. With no way back to his life as a prince, Alrik watches the world pass him by while trapped as a cat. He travels around, seeking out witches, but to no avail.

One day, centuries later, Alrik finds himself in New York, at a Japanese restaurant. He starts to fall in love with both the food and the chef, Yuuki. Very soon, Yuuki begins taking care of Alrik, and dubs the cat 'Prince'. ADORBS.

What follows is a very sweet, fluffy *pun totally intended* romance. If you're a fan of adorable fantasy tales, this one is totally for you (⌒▽⌒)