A review by justinkhchen
Love Is a Rogue by Lenora Bell


3.5 stars

Delightful, Love Is a Rogue is a nice, breezy historical romance with a classic class differences trope. The writing is charming without being corny (definitely reads more modern than historical), and on a more personal note it contains elements I enjoy being explored/featured in stories: bookish character, and anything to do with design (in this case the hero being a carpenter).

By no means is it a memorable historical romance; with its country estate vs. London setting, social class / sexist woes, and masked ball, Love Is a Rogue lands squarely in the familiar Regency historical romance territory, without injecting anything fresh or new. While I won't be rushing to seek out the next book in the series, whenever I need a low-angst, low-tension stories to reset my reading palate, I'll make sure to look into Lenora Bell's backlist.