A review by infirestear
You Are a Global Citizen: A Guided Journal for the Culturally Curious by Damon Dominique



I don't think I'm the right audience for this book. I would say that most people who regularly watch Damon aren't the right audience either.

The point of the book is (to me) to point out how your culture, specifically your geographic culture, molded everything that you are.

Most people, or at least just me, who watch Damon are aware of these to varying degrees so I feel like it didn't really do anything for me.

A point I wished he expanded on more was that being aware that you have these characteristics/thoughts/morals/etc. and knowing where they came from will allow you to choose if you want to align with them.

For me, Damon excels at storytelling, and with the amount of topics he tried to tackle, that left little room for stories. I think showing us these things would've been better than to try and get us to walk through it. Ultimately, I think if the amount of topics were cut down, that would've allowed more room for Damon's voice to stand out.

Overall, I think those who have no idea about Damon and randomly pick up this book will enjoy it more because they may not have thought about their culture influencing them as much as I feel his viewers have.

Not a bad book, but didn't do much for me.